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Volvo ECR88 bucket-wheel excavators

Search results: 1 ad

1 ad: Volvo ECR88 bucket-wheel excavators

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$41,580 €39,900 ≈ CA$59,360
6,694 m/h
Romania, Gataia, Jud. Timis
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Other models in the section "Volvo bucket-wheel excavators"

$57,320 €55,000 ≈ CA$81,820
10,000 m/h
France, Genas
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$62,430 €59,900 ≈ CA$89,110
4,300 m/h
Romania, Gataia, Jud. Timis
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$57,220 €54,900 ≈ CA$81,670
10,600 m/h
Romania, Gataia, Jud. Timis
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Search results: 1 ad